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Clodius Albinus
Clodius Albinus

Clodius Albinus

195 - 196 Albinus was the Governor of Britain when the bloody shakeout and high-emperor turnover was happening in Rome. He struck a deal with Septimius Severus under which he acknowledged Severus as Augustus in return for the title of Caesar. Initially this setup was agreeable to Albinus but Severus little by little began positioning himself in the customary fashion of a dynast. Albinus recognized that if Severus's sons were being groomed for imperial roles this could only lead to contesting of the initial agreement down the road and, so, he took matters into his own hands and had himself declared emperor. His timing was good because Severus had his hands full at the time warring in Persia and the Senate despised Severus anyway. Albinus then packed up the main body of his army and began moving towards Rome to solidify his claim there. However, Severus acted quickly and withdrew from the conflicts out east to settle the score with Albinus. By careful maneuvering he was able to intercept the main forces of Albinus, cut off their supplies and engage his weakened armies which were subsequently obliterated. For his part Albinus committed suicide when all was lost for certain. Severus then returned to Rome where he had those in the Senate who had vouched for Albinus executed for treason.

AU Aureus

RIC 5b, BMC 93, CalicСѓ 2415, C 29 Denarius Obv: DCLODSEPTALBINCAES - Bare head right.
Rev: FORTREDVCICOSII - Fortuna seated left, holding rudder on globe and cornucopia; wheel under chair. c.194 (Rome). $257,535 5/10/05.

RIC 9b, C 70 Denarius Obv: DCLODSEPTALBINCAES - Bare head right.
Rev: SAECVLOFRVGIFEROCOSII - Saeculum Frugiferum standing left, holding caduceus and trident. c.194-195 (Rome). $33,949 12/5/02.

AR Denarius

RIC 1, C 58 Denarius Obv: DCLODIVSALBINVSCAES - Bare head right.
Rev: PROVIDAVGCOS - Providentia standing left, holding wand over globe and scepter.

RIC 2, BMC 88, S 6140, C 9 Denarius Obv: DCLODSEPTALBINCAES - Bare head right.
Rev: COSII - Aesculapius standing left, holding staff with snake coiled around. 194-195 (Rome).

RIC 4, C 15 AR Denarius Obv: DCLODSEPTALBINCAES - Bare head right.
Rev: FELICITASCOSII - Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and scepter.

RIC 5 anecdotal AR Denarius Obv: DCLSEPTALBINOCAE - Bare head right.
Rev: FORTREDVCTCOSII - Fortuna seated left, holding rudder on globe and cornucopia.

RIC 7, C 48 AR Denarius Obv: DCLODSEPTALBINCAES - Bare head right.
Rev: MINERPACIFCOSII - Minerva standing left, holding branch and spear with shield.

RIC 8, C 65 AR Denarius Obv: DCLSEPTALBINCAES - Bare head right.
Rev: SAECFRVGIFCOSII - Saeculum Frugiferum standing left, holding caduceus and trident. 194-195 (Rome).

RIC 11, S 6164, C 61 Denarius Obv: DCLODSEPTALBINCAES - Bare head right.
Rev: ROMAEAETERNAE - Roma seated left on shield, holding Palladium and spear.

RIC 20b, BMC 284, C 24 Denarius Obv: IMPCAESDCLOSEPALBAVG - Laureate head right.
Rev: FIDESLEGIONCOSII - Hands, in handshake, holding legionary eagle. 195-197 (Lugdunum). $685 5/21/03.

RIC 23b, C 40 Denarius Obv: IMPCAESDCLOSEPALBAVG - Laureate head right.
Rev: GENLVGCOSII - Genius standing, facing, holding scepter and cornucopia; eagle to lower left. 195-197 (Lugdunum). $89 1/3/04.

RIC 23c, C 40 Denarius Obv: IMPCAESDCLOALBINAVG - Laureate head right.
Rev: GENLVGCOSII - Genius standing, facing, holding scepter and cornucopia; eagle to lower left. 195-197 (Lugdunum).

RIC 28v Denarius Obv: IMPCAESDCLOALBINAVG - Laureate head right.
Rev: MARVLTCOSII - Mars standing right, holding spear and resting hand on shield. [RIC lists for obv, legend IMP CAES D CL ALBIN AVG]. 195-197 (Lugdunum).

RIC 39, C 73 Denarius Obv: IMPCAESDCLOSEPALBAVG - Laureate head right.
Rev: SALVTIAVGCOSII - Salus standing left, sacrificing over altar and holding scepter. 195-197 (Lugdunum).

RIC 46b Denarius Obv: IMPCAESDCLOSEPALBAVG - Laureate head right.
Rev: VICTAVGCOSII - Victory standing left on globe, holding wreath and palm. 195-197 (Lugdunum).

RIC 47, BMC 268 Denarius Obv: IMPCAESDCLOALBINAVG - Laureate head right.
Rev: VICTAVGCOSII - Victory seated right, holding palm and shield. 195-197 (Lugdunum).

RIC 53, BMC 533 Denarius Obv: DCLSEPTALBINCAES - Bare head right.
Rev: FORTREDVCICOSII - Fortuna seated left, holding rudder on globe and cornucopia; wheel under chair.

AE Sestertius

RIC 52b, BMC 529 Sestertius Obv: DCLODSEPTALBINCAES - Bare head right.
Rev: FELICITASCOSII - Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and scepter. 194-195 (Rome).

RIC 53b, C 49 Sestertius Obv: DCLSEPTALBINCAES - Bare head right.
Rev: FORTREDVCICOSII - Fortuna seated left, holding rudder on globe and cornucopia; wheel under chair. 194-195 (Rome).

RIC 54a, C 49 Sestertius Obv: DCLODSEPTALBINCAES - Bare head right.
Rev: MINERPACIFCOSII - Minerva standing left, holding branch and spear with shield.

RIC 56b, S 6153, C 71 Sestertius Obv: DCLSEPTALBINCAES - Bare head right.
Rev: SAECVLOFRVGIFEROCOSII - Saeculum Frugiferum standing left, holding caduceus and trident; S C across fields. 194-195 (Rome).

RIC 62, C 7 Sestertius Obv: DCLODSEPTALBINCAES - Bare head right.
Rev: CONCORDIA - Concordia seated left, holding patera and two cornucopiae. 193-194 (Rome). $650 9/24/03.


RIC 58, C 17 As Obv: DCLODSEPTALBINCAES - Bare head right.
Rev: FELICITASCOSII - Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and scepter.

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